Wednesday, December 19, 2007 . 6:01 AM
1st pic(Andromeda Galaxy, M31) 2nd pic(Canis Major Dwarf galaxy)

Have anyone wondered if there's any lifeforms out day beside humans? Perhaps there's a you in a galaxy farfar away. Which will never be able to be reached! The nearest "galaxy" from the milky way is called the canis major dwarf galaxy, it consists of about 1billion stars(which is quite little for a galaxy that's why it's counted as a dwarf galaxy). It takes about 25,000 light years to travel there which is seemingly impossible up to date, we have difficulty even trying to travel one light year(which takes up to thousands of years just to travel one, how pathetic)
Andromeda Galaxy also known as M31 is one of the closest galaxy (not dwarf ) to earth ( Milky way ) it takes about 2million light years to travel from earth . ( Goodluck ) It stretches from about 70,000 to 80,000 light-years across . How big is that! GAWD!
Okay im thinking a little bit too far for now.